85 Minutes
Place the 85 minutes into perspective. The movie Captain America Civil War lasted 147 minutes, or more than an hour over the total playing time of Joel Embiid in the NBA.
Just 85 minutes.
85 minutes yielding 62 points, 33 rebounds, and a whole lot of defense. In fact, he is rated 93 on defense, a defense that should suffer when he finds himself defending a solid point guard like John Wall.
While many expected his forte to be on the defensive side of the ball initially, noone was prepared for the sheer athleticism of the young center. If basketball is heading towards positionless roles, then Joel Embiid is the man from the future. He has proven his versatility on both sides of the basketball court.
Can he keep up his current pace? Unlikely. But with minutes restrictions and alternating game appearances, he will be kept as fresh as possible as he builds up to the demands of the NBA 82 game season.