A Philadelphia 76er, then not, the back again to “Pay it Forward”. Elton Brand‘s finale was the snowball that starts the avalanche for the Philadelphia 76ers
By now you’ve heard the news. Elton Brand has announced plans to officially retire at the end of this year’s preseason, officially halting his 17 years in the NBA as a player. To some, this is disappointing news. While to others, the question is asked “Why did he bother?”
Good question, but to know the answer, you have to understand who he is, where the Philadelphia 76ers are, and why his willingness to return to play in Philadelphia was crucial for the team at this juncture.
Elton Brand is a distinguished veteran of the National Basketball Association. Distinguished because he has always been a gentleman of the highest integrity off the court, while a fiercely competitive and productive player on the court. Veteran because he has entertained basketball fans over the span of 17 years.
When the Philadelphia 76ers were struggling in the 2015-2016 season with a poorly performing team and discouraged rookies, the team tapped the shoulder of Elton Brand to set things right. His return was not about the money, but a chance to pay-it-forward. Brand enjoyed a career that intersected with basketball’s modern legends. His was the sage wisdom of meeting the challenges of NBA play and overcoming obstacles.