Ben Simmons
As the first player selected in the 2016 NBA Draft, the obvious person to emerge first and foremost is Ben Simmons. A player whose skillset will redefine the positionless basketball that is the latest wave of court innovations. But there is one problem. He fractured his foot. And so, the team must rely upon college video footage, rehabilitation, practice gyms, and analytics, to determine his progress.
Fortunately, the team relied upon those same methods to metamorphosis Joel Embiid from a one year college prospect into a very capable NBA center. That same elixer of sports medicine and basketball analytics is now converging to reinforce aspects of Ben Simmons’ game.
But the time away from the basketball court, and moreso his teammates, will not be easily overcome. The Philadelphia 76ers are building a rhythm, spacing, pace, and roles around the current starting five. Change that, even with a player as talented as Ben Simmons, and you reset the dial back to zero.
Ultimately, this is Ben Simmons’ team. Eventually, Ben Simmons will not only recoup the progress made without him in this lineup, but he will surpass it. But for now, the 2017 start makes Ben Simmons unlikely to shine this season.
However, it will set the stage for next year. He needs to play when he is healthy.
Next: Embiid