What Good Is He?
MAN, I’m so glad you asked!
Air Alamo
The roster of the Philadelphia 76ers is young and talented. But we’ve just discussed just how grueling the sport can be. So what can a team do?
Hire Dr. David T. Martin.
Doc Martin does not shake a stick nor prescribe two aspirin and tell players to call him in the morning. He makes every full faith effort to restore a player to a level of health before an injury or accident occurred.
To put in another way, imagine you are camping, and you want to restore a campsite to the condition it was in before you got there. That takes a lot of work. You clean up, rake, reset, replace everything. If you burned firewood, it means chopping more. If you placed a tent, it means filling in holes made by tent stakes.
Restoration does not come easily, nor quickly. Medical science is not perfect. Diagnostic tests do not have 100% accuracy results. Athletes rarely arrive to the NBA 100% fit. Old nagging injuries flair up.