Misfit Toys
To truly grasp this status about to bestow upon the Philadelphia 76ers, we must journey back in time to two years ago. Then, the team was a loose assemblage of NBA hopefuls, players who had some promising raw talents and characteristics, and all landed on a team willing to give them a shot. Josh Wilson called the 2015-2016 team an island of misfit toys.
How appropriate.
That name was befitting the team so many scoffed at. I analyzed that team roster, looking for players who would stay on the roster this year. But at that time, the team would go on to win just ten NBA games. and from those ashes, this team’s intensity was forged.
Forged not from disappointment, but by the constant vitriol streaming from national media, opposing coaches, even players from other team, who never hesitated once to take a cheap shot at the Sixers. Each troll fed the fire. Now it’s burning bright.
Philadelphia loves a comeback story. Turn the page Philadelphia, the story is about to become very good.