The empassioned Philadelphia fans love both the Philadelphia Eagles and the Philadelphia 76ers. But now that the Eagles have won the NFL Championship, Sixers players can see the burning love Philadelphia has for her sports teams
The fans of Philadelphia have gotten a bad rap for many years in professional sports circles. Intelligent and empassioned fans, they have been frustrated for years of no championships. Bereft of avenues to show their better sides, the survival instincts had eventually kicked in.
The “Negadelphians”, God bless their souls, had taken it so far as to anticipate disappointment so as to cushion the blow of failure. The Philadelphia 76ers have had to endure that fan frustration through the past few seasons as they rebuilt their team. Some understood. Many did not.
Cheap shots
And it carried over to all sports, and virtually all situations. This Philadelphia fan base has been berated in virtually all national media, all sports outlets. They endure trolling from the lowliest to the most followed in nearly every social media, from nearly every network, from every fan base. The insult aimed at Philly are a perpetuation of a 60 year non-story, which has now taken on a life of its own.
This is not a week’s worth. Nor a month’s, or season’s. This is an annual trollfest aimed directly at the heart of a proud and passionate city, and very intelligent and loyals fans. It sprang from the ancient history of battery-barraging Santa Claus, to the modern version of tossing hotdogs at visiting fans. While other stadiums had post-games injuries which flooded Emergency Rooms of nearby hospitals, media focused on unruly Philadelphia fans. The audacity of those lowly “subhumans” from Philly, the fans who dare to question the objectivity of national media, when they had not won the right to do so.