Card III – Markelle Fultz on the court
There was no player on the trade block anywhere close in value to that of when-will-he-hit-the-court Markelle Fultz. None. Alternatively, there was no player in the NBA with such a confusing matter of misinformation about his status than Markelle Fultz. None. This young man developed a shoulder muscle injury, bad shot mechanics, and a pattern of diversion/misinformation/void of truth that it’s become difficult to parse out the frustration from the storyline that changes constantly to the fact that Markelle Fultz is not on the basketball court.
The team seems to struggle with constructing and sticking with a consistent narrative.
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But if you want my take on the matter, I was asked about the Markelle Fultz situation on this week’s Philadelphia Sports Table podcast with Jeff Warren and Len Hunsicker at the 53:30 mark. The skillset of Markelle Fultz does not translate well into a repetition format. That runs courter to the Philadelphia 76ers desire to have players who can execute shots on demand. Fultz is undergoing a process of pushing his “Flashdance”-like moves into the reengineering laboratory. He may not make it onto the basketball court this year as a result.
Next: Markelle Fultz might not play this year
But then again he might. And if there is a chance, why waste the money or effort on some other player? Markelle Fultz is the top pick of the 2018 NBA Draft. When he steps onto the basketball court, we may be seeing a Philadelphia 76ers trio who will be playing together for years to come.