The Los Angeles Lakers 2018 NBA Draft 1st round pick will either end up in the hands of the Philadelphia 76ers (1,6-30) or the Boston Celtics (2-5). Now odds stack up for the Sixers to retain the pick
The 2018 NBA Draft may be a deep pool of incredible talent invading the ranks of the NBA. Or it could be pyrite, Fool’s Gold. At least, that is what the Boston Celtics wish, as their chances of claiming a 2018 Top-5 pick diminish to 2.1 percent with the Los Angeles Lakers recent wave of success.
To place all that into perspective, the Philadelphia 76ers have a 0.8 percent, or eight parts of 1,000, of landing the top pick of the 2018 NBA Draft. Rare, but not unheard of. Still, the likelihood of a first round pick from the Lakers landing at number one are so unlikely that we won’t consider that as a possibility for now.
Benefits 76ers more, hurts Celtics more
So which is truly better for the Philadelphia 76ers? Which is truly better for the Boston Celtics? To understand all of that, we need to consider multiple factors. The most obvious involve team roster/salary cap. the team’s draft pick makeup in each of the next two years, where the picks will end up, and finally, which players will be available in the draft.
According to Tankathon.com, the current makeup (February 14, 2018) of 2018 NBA Draft picks for the two teams is:
Boston – 27
Philadelphia – 11,17, 39, 47, 59
Now, turn the calendar to 2019 (assuming the same team order) and what do we see?