A new episode focused on the Philadelphia 76ers’ eventual return to play.
In this episode of The Sixer Sense Podcast, Lucas Johnson and Christopher Kline are joined by Stuart London, who contributes to the site. The trio discusses several topics, many centered around a potential return to play at Disney World.
While the NBA has yet to confirm an official timeline, reports indicate a potential resumption of basketball in late July. The Philadelphia 76ers are currently the No. 6 seed in the East, and their success in the immediate future could depend largely on the path the league decides to take.
The episode begins with Stuart, who offers insight into the Walt Disney World campus. He has personal experience as a coach there — his daughter once played AAU — so he gives the lay of the land. Mentioned is the size of the campus, its capacity for personnel, and the necessary safety measures.
Shortly after, the episode moves to the Sixers, and more specifically, their outlook upon a potential (or perhaps, inevitable) move to Disney World. For example, if Philadelphia were to win a title in Orlando, would it come with an asterisk in the history books?
The trio then discusses Philadelphia’s current position as a sixth seed, and whether a move up in the standings would be a positive or a detriment. A potential 1-16 reseed is also mentioned briefly, although either way, the Sixers are expected to face the Boston Celtics — unless, of course, the standings change.
Part of that discussion involves the regular season, and whether or not the NBA wishes to round it out or jump straight to the postseason. Most reports about a potential league return seem to indicate 20-22 teams, which would at least indicate some sort of play-in tournament.
To end the episode, Stuart and Lucas discuss their opposing views of Marc Eversley, who was recently hired away from the Sixers to lead the Chicago Bulls’ front office. Christopher, on the other hand, holds strong in neutral ground.
A big thanks to Stuart for jumping on the podcast. You can
follow him on Twitter (@realstuartl)
and you can
read his superb work here on the site
. We suggest you do both.
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