Saddiq Bey seems to be gaining steam, and he makes quite a bit of sense for Portland. While the Blazers have traditionally gambled on long-term projects, Bey is too good a fit to pass up. He’s one of the better spot-up shooters in the draft, and he’s a versatile 6-foot-8 wing who can step into the void of someone like Carmelo Anthony.
Wing depth has been an issue for the Blazers all season. Even with the ascension of Gary Trent, the Blazers could use someone with Bey’s size — at 6-foot-8 — to slide between the three and the four. Bey is not a great athlete, but he’s nimble enough to defend multiple positions. His understanding of body placement and timing is beyond most upcoming rookies.
Many will question Bey’s ceiling. He doesn’t provide a ton of diversity on offense, aside from the occasional one or two dribble pull-up. He’s a smart and unselfish passer, but with limited handles, he’s not someone to create his own offense on a regular basis. That said, Portland does need a shot creator. He would find ample success spreading the floor and reaping the benefits of Damian Lillard’s gravity.