It’s time for the Philadelphia 76ers to consider seismic change.
Is the idea of trading Joel Embiid heresy? It shouldn’t be unthinkable. Last summer, the talking heads within the organization decided it was time to zig while the league was zagging and go big and slow while everyone else went small and fast. The result was a disaster, leading fans and media alike to ask if the best bet might not be to split up their two stars.
The Sixer Sense’s own Stuart London recently wrote that no other team in the league has so many people talking about trading away their best players as often as Philly, which is definitely true. This is the home of the overreaction, and the media loves to fan those flames. But in this case, it is definitely worth considering the possibility that this may actually the best route to take. What if the best way to get better really is to trade away Joel Embiid?
We can begin with a caveat — the Philadelphia 76ers definitely should try to keep Joel, help him grow, and see what the pairing of he and Simmons can become. Of course they should. Unless…they know more about the player and person then we do. After six years one would hope that they do, but when they watch him and talk to him, what do they see?
Let’s debunk a few things commonly said about Joel Embiid: