Philadelphia 76ers: Wing Furkan Korkmaz is getting hot

(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images)
(Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images) /

The Philadelphia 76ers‘ bench unit has had its fair share of questions surround it this season. One of the main faces of that unit is Furkan Korkmaz and he like the bench as a whole has been inconsistant on the year.

There was on point in February of 2021 that it appeared that rookie Isaiah Joe had overtaken the fourth year wing in the rotation. Apparently that is the type of motivation he needed because since then he’s been on a tare shooting the ball.

Korkmaz’s hot streak and what it means for the Philadelphia 76ers.

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Since the game against the Toronto Raptors when Korkmaz only played two minutes, he’s averaged 14.1 points on 46.8 percent form the field and 48.0 from the 3-point line. He’s scored in double-digits five of those games and shot above 40.0 percent from the 3-point line in six of those games.

This hot stretch has leap-frogged Korkmaz to the being tied with Joe for the sixth being 3-point shooter on the roster. Considering Korkmaz’s number one job is to space the floor, it’s was concerning that it took a hot streak like this to get him tied for sixth.

With that being written, the positive for the Sixers is that this hot streak came at the best possible time for the franchise. They are set to be without MVP candidate Joel Embiid for at least two-three weeks. Having a guy like Korkmaz getting hot will help offset the lack of a 30-point per game scoring not being in the lineup.

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Hopefully, Korkmaz can stay hot as it would not only help the bench and the team as a whole during Embiid’s absence, but it will also help him get paid this offseason whether it be with the Philadelphia 76ers or another team.