Allen Iverson and DMX: Different stages but same ovation

DMX (Photo by Michael Bezjian/Getty Images for NYLON)
DMX (Photo by Michael Bezjian/Getty Images for NYLON) /
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(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Live Nation)
(Photo by Kevin Winter/Getty Images for Live Nation) /

Allen Iverson & DMX: Legacy

The impact these two had on music and sports is more than relative — their impact was identical. How so? They have inspired so many rap and basketball fans across the globe that DMX and A.I.’s paths seem connected from the beginning. Just look at their childhoods.

They grew up in harsh environments with not much of a shot at life. If there was anything they did not lack, it was an abundance of hard times. From family struggles to money problems, Iverson dealt with plenty, where his athletics became his refuge and eventually led to stardom. DMX grew up in group homes and on the street where drugs and violence should have smothered any chance at a professional career. Yet, his love for music lifted him out of difficult situations and catapulted him into the spotlight. Not too bad for two skinny kids out of Yonkers and Hampton.

In the realm of possibility, reaching their height of success was a one in a billion shot. Yet, they showed young kids, from any walk of life, no matter what destitute circumstances your family might be in, you can achieve greatness through perseverance, dedication, and desire. Along their journey, they applied their God-given talent with unrivaled passion and shared it with the world.

If there is one thing we can take away from the similarities between Allen Iverson and Earl “DMX” Simmons, it is this — to them, loyalty was more valuable than gold, Bitcoin, and all the currency in the world. If you could look past their flaws and into their heart, there’s nothing they wouldn’t do for you. If you were real with them, they’d keep it 100 with you. They were always true to themselves, their craft, and to their fans. At the end of the day, they could not help but be themselves.

One of the two legends in this article is still living, and Philly fans should be thankful for this fact. Seeing A.I. at Sixer games as a fan and ambassador for the organization is a blessing, especially if you had a chance to watch him play.

Whether you were a fan of DMX or not, you can be sure that his impact on Hip-Hop is parallel to Allen Iverson in basketball. If you can acknowledge this sentiment, then you know, like the two iconic stars who embraced at the BIG3 tour in Chicago, that real recognize real.

R.I.P. — Earl “DMX” Simmons

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