Reports were circling all week that the Sixers would be trading the 28th pick for a veteran player that could help the team now. They ended up taking Jaden Springer, a guard from Tennessee.
Philadelphia also had two second-round picks where they went “big” with their selections, taking two centers. The 76ers ended up taking Adriatic League MVP Filip Petrusev and Western Kentucky’s Charles Bassey. With those two picks, they addressed a major issue that the team endured in the 2020-21 season.
The big question on hand: will Philadelphia regret passing on any prospects in the 2021 NBA Draft?
3 NBA Draft prospects the Sixers may regret passing on: Jared Butler
If you were scrolling through social media on draft night, 76ers fans were screaming for Philly to draft national champion Jared Butler from Baylor. Butler was shot the ball well in their mational championship run and he was a major reason the team was able to beat Gonzaga in the final.
Butler’s accolades speak for themselves: player of the tournament, two-time All Big 12, conference All-Defensive team, and more. If the 76ers were to have drafted Butler, they would not have just received a scoring threat, but also a defensive juggernaut, which everyone knows is Sixers basketball.
Jared Butler would have been able to give Philly help right away off the bench in a bench unit with Thybulle and Maxey. Butler has a lot up upside and has the opportunity to contribute right away.