Philadelphia 76ers: Sixer-fan perspective from Summer League

Las Vegas (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)
Las Vegas (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images) /
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Sixers (Photo by Mitchell Leff/Getty Images) /

Philadelphia 76ers-fan perspective from Summer League: Approach to viewing games

Strategically, I decided to do my absolute best to watch each team not named the Philadelphia 76ers role-playing as a fan of both teams in the competition. The conclusions I initially came back with are not in the spirit of the optimistic, dramatic, pie-in-the-sky perspective. Mainly due to me attending on the final two days when a majority of high-caliber rookies and sophomores not playing.

When watching Summer League one needs to have low expectations for the quality of basketball being played. It’s closer to G-League-level ball than NBA-level ball due to the amount of fringe NBA guys playing. A lot of miscommunication, my-turn scoring offense, and general sloppiness. However, then I thought more about it.

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It was a genuinely great experience so I will not harp on the negative aspects. Instead, I’ll how I turned the negative into a positive. Early on in the Saturday slate of games, I released that seeing other teams’ young guys and prospects puts a mirror on how to be a more objective Sixers fan.

The realization that most of the guys here panning out on their teams allows a more relaxed watch. That’s the opposite of overreacting to brand new NBA talent, which I would’ve done in the past. By the past, I mean earlier in the day. A lot of the players are raw and are working on their weaknesses in doses as well as showing their respective teams what they bring to the table.