Tobias Harris is one of the most well-liked players in the NBA. He is loved and respected by teammates and coaches alike and is a generous contributor to the Philadelphia community, happy to give both his money and his time.
He has worked hard to improve every single aspect of his game and has been largely successful in doing so. If all that is true, why do so many Philadelphia 76ers fans, who are notorious for loving blue-collar players who embrace the city, want him gone so badly?
Ever since the Sixers inked him to a huge contract and Jimmy Butler left for the Miami Heat, Philadelphia fans have been screaming for the team to trade Tobias Harris. However, despite all of their howls, he is still here.
The untradable Harris: Is it impossible for the Philadelphia 76ers to trade him?
The most common complaint is that his giant contract could be broken down to pay for three lesser-skilled role players. Another one is that he should play like an All-Star if he is going to be paid like one. The calls to trade Harris have been non-stop for three years now, ranging from a whisper when he plays well, to a deafening roar when he doesn’t. Yet still, he has not been traded.
Being upset with Tobias because he makes so much money is silly. How many pay raises have any of you ever turned down? This means that most of the really interesting trade talk stems around whether the Sixers can add a piece that helps the team without feeling the absence of what Harris brings to the table.