3. The biggest surprise so far
- De’Anthony Melton
- KJ Martin
- Furkan Korkmaz
- Robert Covington
- Mo Bomba
This lineup will most likely get tweaked moving forward, as Korkmaz, KJ, and Bamba are all typically third options. But on nights without the services of Maxey or the reigning MVP, Philly needs all the help they can get from wherever they can find it. This lineup was thrown out briefly towards the end of the third quarter in the Boston game, although short lived, they had a few solid moments showcasing quality two-way play.
Bomba is still trying to work his way into the rotation, but lately he’s found his footing, and has looked much more comfortable in the rotation now than he was earlier in the season. He managed to shoot 50% from three that night getting into pick and pop sets with Patrick Beverley. If he can continue improving on his jumpshot, he could certainly find his way to a consistent rotation spot soon.
What was interesting to watch with this lineup, was how differently De’Anthony Melton orchestrates at the point guard position compared to how Maxey usually goes about it. Maxey can and will be a playmaker when the opportunity presents itself, but often times he ends up being so fast that he frequently finds himself just blowing right past defenders and scores on his own.
While Melton can create his own shot too, his main priority is to create an open look for a teammate rather than score on his own. This pairs nicely with Korkmaz and Covington's aptitude for catch-and-shoot threes, as well as provides open looks to cutters like KJ, Bomba, Maxey, Reed, even Oubre.